La musica può donare delle ali ai vostri pensieri e illuminare la vostra anima di una luce eterna (Platone)
Coro San Marco was founded in 1992 in Camposampiero (Padova) by a group of friends who shared their interest in Christian music. At the very beginning they started to sing together to enhance the most important services of the liturgical year but at a later stage they decided to commit themselves to serving at Sunday eucharistic celebrations and helping the assembly to pray through psalms, hymns and songs.
As years went by, they realised how important it was to spread the Christian message through choral singing not only at Sunday masses but also at concerts in theatres or churches throughout the year and they started to perform in front of audiences. Their musical arrangements go beyond religious musical tradition and highlight the use of the wonderful “instrument” men and women are gifted with: the human voice.
For this reason the repertoire of Coro San Marco is not based on a specific type of music but on songs which have the power to bring out emotion. Their repertoire includes “a cappella” songs in Italian, Latin or English as well as songs with instrumental accompaniment and traditional or modern melodies. Some songs are performed according to their original arrangement, but their harmonisation is often adapted to suit the particular qualities of the choir. The members of Coro San Marco have also started to compose their own songs, which are based on passages taken from the Scriptures.
The choir has taken part in Sacred Music concerts and it has contributed to various humanitarian and charitable events.
The main purpose of Coro San Marco is to spread the Christian message through choral singing.
The performance style of Coro San Marco aims at “touching” the soul of the listener who is therefore not distracted by any staging or choreography but concentrated on “living” the Word of God.
The concerts of Coro San Marco are not a mere performance of songs but they represent the opportunity to bring people and communities together in a spirit of pray and worship.
How to...
Contact us: info@corosanmarco.it
Meet us: on Sundays at 11:00 Mass at St. Mark's Church in Camposampiero (Padua), Riviera san Marco 22
Listen to us: YouTube, iTunes
Join us: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Get our CDs: available on iTunes and on request by contacting us via mail
Thank us: just say a little payer for us